
Which Super Hero/Villain Are You?
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Posted on 2008-07-27 11:53:07
Here's another interesting little test...
Super Hero=Superman (disappointing)
Super Villain=Mr. Freeze (?)
Posted on 2008-07-27 22:43:15
Super Hero Test:
You are Batman. You are dark, love gadgets and have vowed to help the innocent not suffer the pain you have endured.

But ... the results ...

Batman: 55%
Robin: 55%
The Hulk: 55%
Green Lantern: 55%
Catwoman: 55%

How can I be equal Batman and Catwoman? Also, I said I don't like gadgets, so how can it say I'm dark and love gadgets? (Actually, that just sounds weird. Like I'm masterbating in a darkened room with the aid of some sort of aparatus.)


Super Villain Test:
You are Magneto (48%) (followed by Dr. Doom at 42% and the Green Goblin at 41%). You fear the persecution of those that are different or underprivileged so much that you are willing to fight and hurt others for your cause.

See the similarity between Super Hero and Super Villain? Creepy.
Posted on 2008-07-28 10:26:24
the good
You are Iron Man

Iron Man 70%
Spider-Man 60%

a normal guy with an heavy powerfull iron armour. take care of your ass bad and vilains of the world, i've got some motha'fuking iron-shoes , jajajajajaja

the bad
You are Apocalypse

Apocalypse 80%
Mr. Freeze 77%

what a big bad powerfull one, all in muscle and a little head, be afraid goods and telebubies i'm gonna make you funny happy girly land as a neverending hell jajajajajaja.
Posted on 2008-08-06 02:22:51
You are intelligent, witty,
a bit geeky and have great
power and responsibility.

90 % spidey
70 % superman

bad: mystique
Sometimes motherly, sometimes a beautiful companion, but most of the time a deceiving vixen.
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