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Posted on 2008-12-13 13:02:37
We can learn maths with it.
If we give 1 point for each effective action, Poznan is between 0 and 1.
Humans are learning decimal numbers :)
Posted on 2008-12-13 13:52:41
Or maybe fractional numbers.
For beginners, that is exactly the same anyway.
Posted on 2008-12-14 11:30:29
Greenpeace is also disappointed.

This conference was 12 days long.
12.000 people came to Poznan. Probably not for 12 days, most probably just for a few days.

Anyway, it was not a small thing.
This big event will be a real advantage of the career of all the participants. They could exchange phone numbers, and create relations for their future career, or for the ones of members of their family.
Don't forget. If you were a participant, write it on your CV.
Posted on 2008-12-14 15:16:59
that summer had its charm
Posted on 2008-12-14 20:03:12
For your uncivilized country, yes.
Your uncivilized and not industrial country does not, fortunately for you, have some problems.
Here, we have them, and we need groups like Greenpeace. For you, that sounds ridiculous. Don't worry, we will not bring civilization or industry to you, just cheap electronic things built in China.
Posted on 2008-12-15 04:03:49
that summer had its charm
Enjoy your Greenshirt mafia ;)
Posted on 2008-12-15 09:57:26
Is it mafia, but we have mafia everywhere.
You know perfectly that everything here has a part of mafia. It is not call mafia, but career.
Greenpeace is not worst, concerning career or mafia, than many others. It is not better either.
But its action, as a collective group, remains positive. Because we have no other force (more honest) that does this job.
Do you know that eastern Europe is building the cars that western Europeans proudly use every day to burn oil ? Do you think it is so pleasant ? Really, try to use electronic, it is better than our shit. Or wait for electrical cars.
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