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Posted on 2008-10-23 21:22:13
A second service pack for Windows Vista soon.
Windows said a few years ago : we raise the quality, Windows Vista will need no Service Pack.
It was a few years ago. When the chicken were having teeth probably (it is difficult to translate from french to english).
Posted on 2008-10-27 09:47:26
It seems the second english "prince" lacks idea for a job.
As he likes army, he could open an internet cafe.
I go sometimes to an internet cafe, and 30% of the population there just keep playing war games (I don't include many role games in the list, because it seems that the main point is to keep walking or running a character through the countryside, and to watch the amuzing landscape).
He could study this population, and study the psychological effect of these games on this population. And maybe he could watch what the other people do, and learn a job ?
Posted on 2008-10-30 10:20:51
A person wrote a cartoon called "le triangle secret" a few years ago in France.
He gives a meaning to the word VITRIOL and that fits pretty well with ...

Did he find that alone ? Did someone give him some clue ?

In fact, I don't really want to know.
But I am bored, so I read, and watch.
Posted on 2008-10-31 23:48:59
I think I did a mistake in the previous post, just above, about "le triangle secret". But I can't explain now, because spreading knowledge easily is like giving points to lazyness.
The obvious meaning (for someone who reads my posts since 2 days) is not correct.
As I don't like writing mistakes, I write to explain that the meaning that seems obvious in the post just above is wrong, and that the fans (who of course are much interested in these kinds of posts) should search more. In fact, the correct meaning is also in the cartoon.
Ok, like that, it is correct. I am sure that it is correct, and if no one else understands, it is not my problem. I am honest.
Posted on 2008-11-05 11:47:37
I would like to understand why Volkswagen is the only car company :
- which sells more and more cars
- which stock action gets higher and higher

So it sells to Germany, China, and Brazil.
I suppose there is some connection with the past, and some connection with history.
And I suppose that the actual german leaders have nothing to tell to China about democracy.
It is a fact.
It is also a fact that Euro was much too strong during 6 months, and suddenly fell of 25% (which was according to the european central bank : "impossible to do", a few months earlier).
Also I wonder why Renault could show a prototype of electrical car a few years ago, but today, they don't have it any more. But Bolloré suddenly has a prototype for an electrical car. As I heard it, I can probably repeat it "in Renault, there are two many workers from muslim countries.."

I think I see again nazism in Europe.
Not nazism with violence. Nazism through power and control.
Like the control of the people of the german library who reads this forum.. So now, we are no more friends. I come for reading, and that is all. Consider me as an ennemy, and unfortunately for you, I keep coming and reading. Just reading, I respect the laws, even more than the leaders of all big companies.

Oh, BTW, the Irminsul is visible in Germany.
Köln is the Kulmen or the top.
Hersfeld is the center of the right loop. And Brussels the center of the left loop.
And we can turn around Hersfeld to see the loop : Fulda and StGall are on the loop (the 3 are places of monestaries).
If we draw a line down from Köln, we arrive at the island "Sao Tome". Or Saint Thomas, the apostle who wrote the 5th hidden gospel. This is exactly the cartoon "le triangle secret".

Also Fulda is not a creation of catholics. This place existed before. It is written at the article "Sturmi" of the german dictionnary.

And last, there is a place with very pretty celtic stones in northern germany.
It is as pretty as Stonehenge. On the west of Oldenburg.
The catholic knew it, they carried the body of "saint" Alexander from Italy to near this place, around+850.
The fascists knew it too.
On the line this place-Fulda-Augsburg, they did add a point in Lybia in 1937. Called "Marble Arch" in english vocabulary.
Hum, this line gets through northern Italy. Maybe Venitia, or maybe the lost Adria. But certainly not Roma.
Maybe some volcanoes too, for example Etna. And some high mountains in the Alpes. To draw a line, a high mountain can be helpful. So it is a possibility, and it is really not far from the line.

So I think that is all.
Less work and money for pro-nazi researchers.
Posted on 2008-11-05 12:44:09
And I write mistakes. But I don't want to study that, and I didn't keep documents about it.
So the line can not go through Etna. It really fits bad.
It can be through another italian volcano, and through Messina (in Sicilia), and maybe some mountains of Abruzzo.

Also, who are the pro-nazis ? Hum, the word is exagerated.
Let's say people who do everything to earn money today, instead of trying to fix a bit the past. And their grandparents often contributed to create this past.

Last, why so many lines ?
It seems there are 2 or 3 groups of lines on Germany maps (the Irminsul has maybe no connection with the line Fulda-Augsburg, also they share the city Fulda). I suppose that was making geography interesting. And also a form of propaganda from each group.
Oh, and the saxony system 1/100 of a circle can be found in the Irminsul picture.

Hum. And I am angry because I didn't want to post about it today.
Unfortunately, for stupid reasons, I kept posting that in ICQ or through mails, and I fear that some people are spying this media. And will try to get money from it later. As they try to get money from everything. Public (and unfortunately less research) is better than money for robbers.
Posted on 2008-11-07 20:36:37
A link, sorry in french
Now there is a punishment for saying publicly that some jews like money.
At least in France.

I think I can tell it in this forum, fortunately.
So the parents of Jessica Sarkozy are jews, like she is.
And they are called Darty.
And a newspaper got punished (by a court) for telling it that, in an article about her marriage with the son Jean of the french president Sarkozy.
As the son of Sarkozy is a public person in France (less than his father, but he likes advertizing), I wonder why publicity should tell only half the facts.
The son of Sarkozy wants a public life, and is attracting newspapers, when many people (including jews) do not do it.

Hanna Enriquez is jewish two, like her two brothers.
Oh, no, she is atheist, but she follows the Shabbat. Hum, explain me, I don't understand.
These three people who don't like money just entered the polytechnique school, the royal way to get money (for people of scientific formation) in France.
I met jews of eastern europe, who were not interested in money (not more than normal people).
I met some of France/immigrants from Algeria, and all cared for money. I can't change it, it is like that. My life is nearly public, so..
Posted on 2008-11-08 18:47:29
It seems that everything in history can has two meanings.

For example, if we give credits to iranian for caring for light interferences (as I did, but maybe they are not the first ones, they are the first ones who gives proof to me, a french person who is just reading a few number of books), we can also say "oh, so they used it to hide many books".
And start being jealous, and maybe there are some reasons.
And we can start building stories about it.
And in fact, my post was rather the opposite way. They did it first, and we never give credit to them about it. And maybe it is a form of culture, and discovering that today is a bit discovering some iranian (not fanatic) culture.
Of course, I did add something about the USA and computers, but I don't see why I should not add something against the atttitude of the USA during the cold war, as soon as I can. Even when I just suppose.

So, it is annoying.
Many things in history can have two meanings, or more.

Also it is a bit scaring, this question of miniaturization.
I see often a big library, full of many modern books.
And I think : at least, in the past, it is more simple, we mostly have what we know in greek and latin texts (for the antic period). And then I think : and if it is wrong.. if there are much more hidden books ?
That is scaring, because I see the number of printed books each year, and I consider it is a real waste (as we are mixing the book-communication with the book-memory and book-item for the future generations who whish to learn about us-as-their-past-history).
We try to select the few good books of Renaissance and of the 19th century, who will have to select and filter all the books published today ? And to throw away most of them forever ?
And I post much in this forum, and that contributes to writing :(

In a normal forum, there is no memory. Nothing is written, and nothing lasts. But in the modern world, forums are using computers, and so we keep. And the simple words are changed into permanent words.
There is a problem. So if someone deletes each of my post when it is one month old, I think it is fine. And I am too lazy to do it myself..
Posted on 2008-11-08 19:02:44
Hum, and in fact, Hanna Enriquez was not caring much for money.
Although I never understood why she did this school.
But I am sure that her parents cared for their children to do this school.
And probably with some arrivist intentions.
Was it to give the best to their children, to prove the jewish people can be good scientist, or to prove that the jewish people can be good citizens and help to develop a country ? I don't know, but I remember that she was herself saying bad things about her parents.
Posted on 2008-11-10 16:06:20
In France, since two months, there are some problems of degradation of train lines of the company SNCF.

This is not common, but it seems an action of nasty people, or maybe some stupid young people.
But the normal police refuses to do the investigation (it seems they don't like difficult investigations).
So they don't handle it any more, and this problem is now in the hands of the "anti-terrorists" police. The connection with terrorism is not proven at all. And for the police, the goal is probably just to avoid a long and maybe fruitless investigation.
Posted on 2008-11-11 12:04:19
It seems that the anti-terrorist french police is the most effective police in the world.
They needed just 1 day to find and arrest 8 or 10 people.

The people carry a flag "anarcho-something".
I think there is one person with such ideas in the german library, and he never does such stupid things.
So I hope that the 8 or 10 people will not be treated as political something but as criminals. And it is not a political point against the "anarcho-something" people. Some in Jussieu were very nice and friendly, I hope that none of them taked part in that stupid and nasty actions.

"anarcho-something" because in french the only tradition is "anarcho-syndicalist". But in some other countries, there are simple "anarchists".
Posted on 2008-11-11 15:31:00
French radio playing "la marseillaise" (french national song of 1914-1918 and actual one) the day of the end of WWI.
Posted on 2008-11-13 02:58:33
I am sick. I am not where I want to be at. I am not able to say what I want and that is why I hurt...
Posted on 2008-11-13 22:21:05
I am not able to say what I want

I was thinking about something to write.
But there is so much useless words in this world.

Just read the first analytics of Ἀριστοτέλης, the part about the negation of the syllogism.
Posted on 2008-11-14 18:53:02
Scientific race. And USSR is not even competing.

Images captured of 4 planets outside solar system

I wonder what the next generations will do.
What will they dream about, what will they search and discover ?
Which mysteries will be left for the next generations ?
New weapons maybe ?
Posted on 2008-11-21 15:19:55
Several months ago (hm,more like a year now) I lost everything I had on my computer.Thousands of pictures,texts,songs that I colected for years.Some very special and valuable things to me.And what did I do (like I always do when I lose something I care for)?I blocked it.I pretend like they're still there,all my memories,it's just I don't check them anymore..lying to ourselves,one of the most precious ability humans have.
Posted on 2008-11-21 20:22:39
Usually, professionnals can recover a part of the content of a damaged hard disk.
But no need to hurry.

If your memory is memory, you can remember that these things were pretty, and be sad, and cry.
A sad girl often has more success with men.

And this sacrifice is better than ripping out the wings of a butterfly.
Posted on 2008-11-25 11:43:15
I know that sometimes something could be recovered.But I doubt it's my case.
Some stuff I had,I just kept there,feeling safe I had them.And even if I was never to look at them again,I liked the thought I had them.Strange.
And I'm one of those who like to remember things,though time changes the outlook of things,but as I'm getting older,I like to hold on to something,like,when I'm 50,and when my memory is too thin,and there's just a feeling I had about that day,moment or whatever,I'd like to be able to look at a picture,and smile.Even if some bad memory is connected to it,I'd like to be able to smile.
Posted on 2008-11-25 20:03:14
Hum. Ok.
Then let's speak about the material world.
How is the hard disk ? Did you format it blank again for a new use ?
Is it physically damaged ? Did you throw it away ?
Posted on 2008-11-27 20:47:58
In France, they test the A320 after reparation.
Today, they were testing the diving function. It is written in the manual.
The diving was successful.
Now the plane is under water, with the fishes.
It seems the plane was correctly fixed, but no one fixed the manual.
Posted on 2008-11-28 09:49:57
I thought that indian people were never using violence.
It seems that they change.

Even for a good cause, violence is violence.
There are soporific gazes, and paralysing ones. It is better than gun. It is better than paying mercenaries.

In fact, most people never "use" violence. They just pay others (policemen, army) and these others use it.
So indians today are following the "normal" path, and not the path of Gandhi.
It is their fault, it is a bit our fault too (we probably didn't propose our most effective gazes), and it does not make the world better.
Posted on 2008-11-30 12:49:43
It seems that historians don't explain simple questions.

They use (much) the words
high roman empire / low roman empire
high middle age / low middle age
(the high one is the oldest part, and the low one is the most recent part)

They don't use these words high/low for Renaissance.
Why ?
Were people displaying history on trees or high walls before Renaissance, with the oldest part at the top ?
Some historians probably know the answer, but I saw the explanation nowhere (although the words high/low are pretty common).
Posted on 2008-12-04 11:46:06
The lancet publishes exagerated numbers about the violence against children in Europe.
For example, 15% of under-18-years-old girls have been sexually abused.
Honesty is not a value among young people. They just think like the words of Bugsy 2 years ago : "cheating or lying is normal".
It is not at all a personnal attack against Bugsy. I repeat his words, because he was honest to tell them. In fact, Bugsy was honest in accepting or accepting the existence of cheating.
But many young people cheat and lie and say "oh, no, we never cheat".
It is an attack against many young people, yes, and I think adults are also responsible for this education. And capitalism, which creates stupid newspapers, and fire people with experience, and give the jobs to cheaper unexperienced young people.
Posted on 2008-12-07 12:15:47
I wonder things about the day of yesterday.
The attitude of some people, not just one, several.
I am not sure they were walking in the same direction (walking is an image, in fact, their activity was not walking, but something different).
For one person, I think I can understand.
And for the others, I am not sure. I think everybody knows a simple method, when one does not like a path/way. He/She just walks very slowly, and hopes for a change. Were they practicing this method ?
Posted on 2008-12-07 17:55:40
£ 4,99 seems to be a good price for a Christmas gift, but I might just find a color copier to print up some of these map posters.
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