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Posted on 2008-12-08 12:39:42
During these last months, I could notice that my german level is now low.
It was really better when I was 15.
It is sad.
It is sad, because no other "a bit rare" language took a place in my head.
Only english took more place, and it is really not a rare language.
I am part of this western civilization, it is not surprising. Not surprising, but sad.
Posted on 2008-12-08 22:33:04
As everybody seems to be parano, and as a jewish person came to the german library only once, mysteriously when I was watching a map of Israel, I will explain what I was searching for.

First, I consider there is one explication for the mysterioul arrival of a jewish person (with the small ridiculous flat hat, so I am sure the person was jewish). If this jewish person is studying inside the institute, in the upper level and if someone called him. And I consider that then it is a nasty habit of german people. Why try to play the elfs if you are not elfs ? I met only one elf during my life, but I don't remember her last name, so I will not post just her first name here.

Secondly, I was reading about crusaders, because it is nearly the period of Eddrisi. I wanted to compare the names and roads.
According to historians, Eddrisi is older, and thus, the names of cities created by crusaders should be missing (or different) in the text of Eddrisi.
But the two periods are really close.
And maybe the crusaders created the frankish names from older arabic (or something local) names.

Now it seems that jewish and arabs like this small area of land very much. So I will not even try to do the job. If a person wants to do the job, he/she may need the information about the crusader cities/castles/villages/... and then he/she should post here and ask for it.
Posted on 2008-12-08 23:24:01
jewish and arabs like this small area of land very much.
Ah, no problem.
Jewish is a religion.
And arab is a something (is it something like european ? Or something like ??)

Let just say : many people like this small area of land.
Posted on 2008-12-09 12:41:01
and as a jewish person came to the german library only once
No, in fact, there were maybe more jewish person in the library.
Only one came with the stupid flat hat.
The other ones, how can we guess the religion ?
So this one came, and he came only once. The other ones, who cares ? They wear normal clothes.
Posted on 2008-12-10 00:25:54
It seems that Benjamin Rosoux is proud of destroying something that did cost 10 millions of euros.
He says proudly : this is not terrorism, calling it terrorism is an aggression from the government.
Each day in France, 2 people die because they sleep in the street.
With 10 millions of euros, 100 could sleep in a home during one winter.
Killing 100 people, through money, is not terrorism, it is true.
But why is he proud ? Oh, he is right, yes, he is right about the word terrorist.
French people like discussion too much. It is true for me too. So I will keep writing (because I like it), and the action will come from other beings.
Posted on 2008-12-10 01:05:37
Capitalism has destroyed ukrainian currency.
Lies too. During the very rude years in the 20s, the crops were not bad. There was no drought (we have data from this period now thanks to a team of english scientists). Your anti-russian government lied about this point.
There was violence, yes. The russians used violence to get food from the peasants who were hiding the food. Some peasants also had starving in Ukraine, because some russians turned angry. But not as much as historians tell. Violence in fact killed more than the lack of food (in Ukraine, because in Russian, it was different, they were really lacking food).

We can say lies and capitalism has destroyed ukrainian currency. Instead of searching about this past, since 3 years, ukrainian students are studying capitalism.

You have nothing to hope on this way. Your economy is not structured as a capitalist economy, and changing that is very long. Go your natural way, it can work too. And you can have a communism economy, and be ennemy of Russia (if you wish this last point). I think that even americans (now) understand that a communist economy does not mean evil. It is not sharing "women" or things like that.
Posted on 2008-12-13 14:55:44
Some people can create feelings in others.
And sometimes they should not.
It is not at all about love, but Irina Lukic should stop collecting flats. Even to help other people.
I know also her name before her marriage, but the last time I had contacts with her, she was married, so I write her name of marriage (as the habits are like that in so many countries).

I can understand that many immigrants came to France. Including those of western Europe. Unfortunately, they took our jobs, or the jobs we could keep for our children. Because of them, I have no children here, and I will do nothing to change it. The immigrants wanted a place here, they have it (like my family probably did a long long time ago, because I have brown eyes and black hair, it is probably old, because no one remembers when that arrived in my family).
They have it, there is no reason to complain.
Now it is nearly a question of physic. Immigrants come here, so people from here shall leave. The immigrants refused to carry the communist ideas, and to try to make something with them, they thought that their ideas were better. So communists had to remain opposants in an anti-communist country, and that helped very little their life. So, the anti-communists had good jobs and money and children here, but not the communists. I didn't leave like many other communists, but it is like part of my life already left France. And soon, I will follow it. Fortunately, not to death, like some communists who suicided.
I would like to say goodbye to some people, and Irina is in the list. But I will not call her, because I called her once, and she didn't call me back.
Posted on 2008-12-13 15:08:02
Also, some immigrants of the last waves, mostly the black immigrants, tried to understand and to preserve the communist ideas.
That is fine.
Unfortunately, they came with many children, which gives no place for my own children here.

Secondly, most muslim immigrants were deeply anti-communists.
They thought they were right. I hope they will at least support their pawn Villepin, although he is not muslim.
I think they were often really cowards. I have no will to have contact with muslims during many years, although I read some of their books. But they can read my texts, I don't mind. But human contacts, I think there is no hope. Also, I protected their God, and if I ask, it will move very very far from earth, and stop all contacts with earth during one century (which is short for a God, but long for humans). If you respect your God, be careful.
If you don't, don't be careful, but remember that this God can kill you.
Posted on 2008-12-15 23:51:44
This man is dangerous.

He arrives at the head of a big software company.
He knows very little about the work of developping software.
His first speech "we will make more profits soon".
Please offer him a Monopoly (and a quiet lost house or a cell in jail with 3 other people so he can learn the game and enjoy it).
Posted on 2008-12-16 00:16:17
The sentence against a group that I call the group of Ferrara (in order to simplify), and that was judged in Paris this week, are high.
Too high compared to their crimes.
But not too high compared to their crimes + their lack of regrets during the trial.

Some journalists or authors were seeing them as interesting criminals, not that violent, and some kinds of resistants.
They supported their lack of regrets during the trial.
These journalists and authors are free. And Ferrara and his friends will pay more.
Yet, is the fault coming from the judges ? No regret is no regret.
Posted on 2008-12-17 00:37:04
There was a bombing in Paris in a big store called Printemps (180 deads, we don't speak about it in order to not scare tourists) + they destroyed one leg of the Eiffel Tower (and the elevator inside ; fortunately 3 legs are standing firmly and carrying the tower).
Posted on 2008-12-20 00:01:30
I remember why I cared for Augsburg on the german map.
It was because of the Lord of the Rings.

Inside, there is the eye of Sauron.
At the top of the tower.
I thought "tower, ah, like Irminsul".
And Augsburg can be the city of the eye (in modern german, das Auge is eye).
So I consider : Augsburg must have a relation with the Irminsul.
And Tolkien was english, so maybe with saxon ancestor. And the Irminsul was a saxon monument.
It is not a pretty method. But it is not me who published the Lord of the Rings.

Also, there is the "empire du milieu" (middle empire ?). And I was thinking "oh, the two cities Wien, they are maybe connected, there is something in the middle, and Augsburg in in the middle".
And the two cities were like the two doors to the land of Sauron, in the Lord of the Rings.
I know, there is nothing about the fire, or about the 7 rings, or about Sauron itself, or about blabla, but the people who write books usually mix old or common knowledge and imagination. And I was searching for geography.
It is really stupid how people write books. And Tolkien is dead, so I can't ask question to him.
Posted on 2008-12-20 00:18:50
In fact, I could search more about this story.
But I think it scares me.
I mean, if english people knows a bit some more facts, and if people really did wars for that, wars are wars, and I don't really want to enter a real war with real weapons that kill.

Secondly, if there are Gods or forces, they can't be as bad as Sauron, else we would know it.
Yet, yet, hum, it is a bit scaring, but there are probably some kind of forces, even alive, with a slow cycle, much slower than the human one .
But that remains scaring, but I'd like some western people to consider a bit more this possibility (and not only about UFO or things "rare" like that).
It seems that, in modern culture, it is either God or nothing (nothing as clever as human race), and that sounds pretty selfish.

And if something exists, it is probably inside our books somewhere. The spread of catholic religion, and the renaissance destroyed knowledge, they didn't only create.
For example, for maths, it is obvious that there is more in old greek text that most people know or admit it. If it is true for maths, it is true for other things.
But that remains scaring :(
On the other hand, I tried to communicate with humans, and it seems that they scare me, or that I am very shy. So books are better.
Posted on 2008-12-20 20:06:15
I remember of a Christmas a few years ago.
The french police nicely sent me to a psychiatric hospital, because I quarelled with my father, and had one violent move to him.
For the transfer, the doctor of the police center forced me to drink something, without telling me the name of the medicine. This is illegal in french laws, but this is police..
Then the doctor, a woman, tested if I am homosexual. She showed me her leg (rather a high part of it, quite easy with the hospital dress of female doctors), and watched my reaction. Funny.
Then a doctor spoke blabla, and I could not leave one minute the hospital for 2 weeks. Not that long, yes.
I told them that I'd like so speak about economy, but they told me "it is your problem, you will try after you leave here".

Also I told some different things about my personnal life, and the doctors made their decision from that. They told me "you are a bit schyzophrenic, and we will give you weak medicine for a long time". At least, the doctors were trying to be honest and serious, and really several doctors study every case.

So, probably. Everybody has 2 halfs of a brain, and each religion is a weak form of schyzophrenia (for the doctors, hearing voices is a strong form of schyzophreny, and very rare, but there are many weak forms).

So as they tried to be honest, I tried to be. I tried to speak about economy.
But no, in fact. No one was caring. I was either a bit mad or pretentious, or I could speak about economy, tell everything, but for free, when many people get much money from it. Much honest..
From the doctors, I understand a bit, only half a bit. How can you help people if you immediately reject their professional abilities ?

So, after, people of french state helped me to get a job. Yes, some really helped (they are paid for that, but they really helped). I got a job in a computer company (always the same boring kind of job, well paid, but nothing to learn, except how to switch to the new fashion language every 5 years).
After 1 year, I had enough money so I stopped working. I read, and I discovered the gods of antic times.

I know that some people will have a Christmas in a jail, or in an hospital, and without the permission to leave for one hour or one minute.
For them, I think I must also be a bit honest, and also tell that the antic Gods help the weak, as much as the monotheist ones.
Posted on 2008-12-20 20:52:26
Hum, in fact, the Gods helped but little.
I think they helped me to hide. I think the doctor really thaught "he is probably homosexual".

And schyzophrenia was sounding (at least in the voice of this doctor) more like a threat, in order to make me speak.
I really don't know why this word is scaring. There are 2 parts in each brain, it sounds much more natural that this reality appears sometimes. That makes us different from a computer, that is rather nice. Who wants to start a competition with computer ? We are losing for maths, for chess, and for many other things (and probably more soon ; although the soon is delayed, as long as we use so much Microsoft). Let's keep some differences.

Also it is funny. Some (cute) women think "oh, he does not look at me, he is probably homosexual".
Sometimes, men can do like women, watch without turning the head, and even without turning the eyes. Women do it often, I noticed that some detect very easily an empty seat in transportation. Nothing moves, not even their eyes, they just feel it. Or rather see it, with the border of their field of vision.

So some Gods of antic times helped. But some are less powerful today.
And some are stronger.
It is a bit normal, forces get weaker when they become more common and more used. And some get stronger, because, hum, because it is like that.
How can you keep a religion for a long long time, if you force everybody to accept it and to use it ? Christians, muslims did it. The jews rather failed, so their God remains strong.
Gods are changing, on one hand, it is nice, we have UFO and there is really a mystery about it. On the other hand, it is boring, because we have many stone churches, and most are empty in western europe.
Posted on 2008-12-23 17:31:11
A link

Burger measured how many of his volunteers began to deliver another shock when prompted by the experiment's leader -- but instead of letting them do so, stopped them.
In Burger's modified experiment, 70 percent of the volunteers were willing to give shocks greater than 150 volts.

I don't know the atmosphere in the USA.
Yet this doctor seems a bit stupid.
He should also tell to the volunteers "you know, the electrocuted and crying person, he/she gets the same money, if you stop at 20 volts, or at 150 volts".
There is unemployment today. If I notice that the electrocuted person is an actor, then I will probably say nothing to the doctor, and just continue. It is a form of solidarity for poor actors, we know that some poor actors earn very little money.

This experiment was done first in 1961. There was no unemployment then, and I have no idea about the experiment of 1961, and the attitude of the volunteers then.
But everybody knows the actual situation of economy now.
Posted on 2008-12-23 17:36:21
Some volunteers probably think : "he/she is not an actor, but it is not dangerous, because the experiment has the authorization from the government, and this person surely needs money ; I know the he/she is suffering, but he/she needs money, and his/her will is to earn money like that ; as long as his/her pain seems acceptable, I will continue, this is pain for him/her, but also money, and he/she needs it".

Hum, but what is "his/her pain seems acceptable" ?
I have no idea.
And money is important in this world, yes, that is true.
Posted on 2008-12-23 20:50:39
Yes, also the title of the article holds the word "torture". This is what I dislike.
This article is a way to prepare the opinion, and to say "oh, Guantanamo, it is really normal, it is just human nature, everybody would do that to prisonners".
Anyway, Guantanamo is not my problem.
I am not USan and not muslim.

I want to complain because my own country only export weapons. This time to Brazil.
Come on, we have great libraries.
Can't we translate some good old books to other languages, and sell them or make reproduction of old tools for foreign museums ?
In fact, there is a good website, with many old good books, called gallica.
It is for free for anyone in the world. It is only in french, so that limits the number of readers.
So we don't sell these books, and we don't make translations (and we don't sell these unexisting translations). But we sell weapons, and everybody says "french people are violent".
Posted on 2008-12-24 11:17:08
A link, but in french, sorry

Jean-Pierre Raffarin.
Male prostitute.
Posted on 2008-12-25 14:03:46
French know the problem of Belgium, but they can't help.
The normal solution is first to remove the King (and rarely, to kill him, but in fact, that happened just once) and then create a solution.
But they want to keep him.
Posted on 2008-12-28 19:39:49
Dieudonné invites Faurisson in his show.
Faurisson is a man who negates the existence of a mass murder in some forms of camps during WWII.

I think it is sad.
Here, either people accept all the official version, either they negate it all.
At least, among historians.
I heard people saying there was exageration in the number of deads, but they never said the horror was smaller (because the numbers were smaller in their mind). But they were not historians.

So, yes, there is a lack of serious studies. Of historians.
And France is maybe not the best countries for such studies. Maybe France is too close to eastern Germany-central Europe, to close to make an honest work of historian.
I hope Dieudonné will move to another country, and start a real school of historians about this subject. And of course, reject people like Faurisson.
Posted on 2009-01-02 01:36:06
I am reading an article of a scientist called Henry Bacry, in french language.
Who thanks a person called Amithaba Chakrabarti.

The article is a good quality scientific article.
These two scientists worked many years in two different french institutes. On one hand, that is fine, that proves there is a cooperation between different cultures.

On the other hand, it is a waste, because so few people in Paris or Marseille (the cities of the 2 institutes) care for the subject of their studies.
So it is a waste.

Can a civilization which enters a deep economical crisis, with also environmental troubles and rabbit-habits, and dangerous terrorism (according to some important leaders) survives an important waste ?
So there is a problem. Or rather a choice.

What do we prefer ?
Our civilization or famous foreign scientists working here for an assistance who does not care/understand ?
Posted on 2009-01-03 23:43:30
The attitude of Israel army.

What means being israelian ?

Is it being a member of the Israel state, and then ok, they want security. Then yes, I understand. Security, any agressor must die.

Is it being a representant of a jewish State (I don't like this status, but it is the actual status of Israel) ? Then what does that mean ? That means they must care for the jewish identity. And the jewish identity is not what the israelian army does. This army cares only for security of part of the israelian population. A little part (those who risk death under rocket of Hamas, and we know the numbers since 5 years, they are low). This is certainly not the jewish identity. If they care so much for a few life, they should immediately stop all cars driving faster than 30 kilometers/hours on roads, and 5 kilometers/hours only in cities. As these cars kill jewish lifes too. They don't do it, that means the jewish identity is different, the identity of the Israel state is different. And that means that the israelian army (or part of it) is a bad representant of this identity.
If we don't care for identity, why do we want to survive ? We are just pieces of flesh if we forget identity.
Posted on 2009-01-08 13:39:31
Last year, for Sarkozy, catholicism was one important root of Europe.
Now, for Sarkozy, capitalism is directly connected to making real the idea of progress.
(he said it with negative words : "anti-capitalism is against all the forces which realized the idea of progress")

He likes shortcuts.
He should stop using the desktop of Windows, and dig inside Explorer, and understand that each shortcut points to a real application or document, and this application or document is not that simple.
Posted on 2009-01-08 21:16:48
For no reason,or too many..
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