
confirmed:!! Godspell is the next single!!
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Posted on 2006-07-17 15:39:52
I just want it released in the UK, then i can start bombarding places like XFM demanding that they play it.
Posted on 2006-07-18 12:54:25
Any updates on when it's released etc or b sides? I'd like some demos or studio radio session tacks on it rather than live tracks.
Posted on 2006-08-04 18:33:14
Oh great! I love godspell its easily one of the best tracks on SEG.
Posted on 2006-09-15 01:05:45
what happened to godspell single???
Posted on 2006-09-15 08:50:43
nigar_a wrote:
what happened to godspell single???

I guess it was a promo-only single, nevertheless Iīve never heard the song on the radio. Itīs a shame...
Posted on 2006-09-15 14:11:26
I heard it on the radio once or twice. But I wanted a real single. :-(
Posted on 2006-09-15 14:18:32
If the world was a perfect place, then a song as good as Godspell, would have been No1 in England for about 3 weeks. The lyrics, the musicianship are superb, everything you would want in a song.

Unfortunately, a lot of people have no taste in music, the media are ignorant tossers who fawn over crap like James Blunt, which really gets on my nerves, and true talent goes to waste. So great songs like this or 'INSFWAYYNTBN' get nowhere, if released at all. It really annoys me.

Why can't people open their ears and realise what they are missing, instead of listening to the cabaret act himself Robbie Williams. I can't believe that people actually listen to him!!

Like i said though, if only the world was a perfect place.
Posted on 2006-09-15 14:55:06
Tastes are so fickle in the UK. The British music press love something for a few months, raving about it to no end to the point of overselling it. And then? They start trashing said artist, saying that they never really liked them or somesuch nonsense, and now it's rubbish. That cycle happens so much in the UK music press that it's quite frightening. It makes the music industry in the UK seem quite ridiculous.
Posted on 2006-09-15 15:08:53
Nickthebassist wrote:
Tastes are so fickle in the UK. The British music press love something for a few months, raving about it to no end to the point of overselling it. And then? They start trashing said artist, saying that they never really liked them or somesuch nonsense, and now it's rubbish. That cycle happens so much in the UK music press that it's quite frightening. It makes the music industry in the UK seem quite ridiculous.

Oh the music press in the UK is frightening. I can't be doing with them going on about Coldplay and fookin Robbie Williams all the time, and all this RnB nonsense - that gets right on my tits. It's pure garbage.

Then you get for example a great song like 'Fine wine...' which i think reached about number 70 or something whilst the crazy frog is number 1. What the hell is going on? Who buys this shit? Answers on a postcard please....

It's not just the press though. People are musically ignorant. If i mention the Cardies to people, the first thing they say is 'Are they still going?' and the next thing is 'oh didn't they do Lovefool years ago?'

You find yourself beating your head against the wall. And then you get some wanker putting Paris Hilton on the jukebox thinking they know about music!!! I think not.
Posted on 2006-09-15 15:21:20
bassman wrote:

Then you get for example a great song like 'Fine wine...' which i think reached about number 70 or something whilst the crazy frog is number 1. What the hell is going on? Who buys this shit? Answers on a postcard please....

Teenagers who have no concept of music or it's history. The public certainly needs to claim some responsibility for some of this crap, because they are indeed buying it. What I've found is that music is less important to some people, and they tend to be less discrimination about what they listen to. Taste can take some time to develop.
Posted on 2006-09-15 15:38:23
Nickthebassist wrote:
bassman wrote:

Then you get for example a great song like 'Fine wine...' which i think reached about number 70 or something whilst the crazy frog is number 1. What the hell is going on? Who buys this shit? Answers on a postcard please....

Teenagers who have no concept of music or it's history. The public certainly needs to claim some responsibility for some of this crap, because they are indeed buying it. What I've found is that music is less important to some people, and they tend to be less discrimination about what they listen to. Taste can take some time to develop.

with some people, they never develop one.

maybe i do get really passionate about this, because music is my life, and i expect others to be the same. How somebody can't differentiate between what is quite clearly a great band, recording great music, and something which is manufactured production line schlock though, is way beyond me.
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