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Posted on 2006-08-18 10:52:44
Yesterday I had a lift by car from a girl, with some other friends...
She played a cd and the cd was some Coldplay's album.
She played it loud and I've been listening to it...

What's the difference between Dido's music (which I found so boring and "politically correct" easy listening thin sound) and Coldplay songs?

Those songs I've been listening in the car touched my feelings.. And I felt more or less like being in one of those massive iper-markets and suddenly listen to those messages, like "Marta at till number 3, Marta at till number 3..." or "Customer announcement - the mayonnaise is 30 cents cheaper" ...

I mean, wow! Some bands, like Keane for example, should play not on big arenas, but through market's crappy speakers! Cause their songs sound so so so so good for that kind of "background entertainment"...

I can definitely imagine an old lady shopping underware with Coldplay's music in background (she will probably also feel comfortable with the song while touching the underware's fabrics) and I can definitely imagine what could happen if "It's so Easy" by G n'R is played straight after that... (the lady will suddenly remember that military guy she met when she was 16, yiiiippeee) :)

Maybe those "correct sound" bands and Dido, after recorded the songs in studio, go around big markets asking "please, can you play through your speakers this fair, sensible, never too loud, radio equalized, perfect for cake's shelf area songs? We wanna see if sounds ok"..

Basically, once again, I think why Coldplay are so big and considered as truly good musicians and entertainers...???

I can just imagine all the people at their concerts, dancing happily feeling things like "oooh, do you remember those fantastic chocolate sweets we bought yesterday?" - "yeaaaah, the cooked ham was reduced, great!!" - "this pink top was 2.99! Back of the net!" ...

Anyway... as americans love to say... "Whatever"
And people from London answer straight "nevermind" !

Loce and Peave,
Posted on 2006-08-18 12:57:09
Emilianino wrote:

Basically, once again, I think why Coldplay are so big and considered as truly good musicians and entertainers...???

I can just imagine all the people at their concerts, dancing happily feeling things like "oooh, do you remember those fantastic chocolate sweets we bought yesterday?" - "yeaaaah, the cooked ham was reduced, great!!" - "this pink top was 2.99! Back of the net!" ...

Hum..Happy feelings.."background entertainment","politically correct".. Coldplay?!
Ok,call them however you want,but,you truly think that their songs are "happy"?Did you listen to album "Parachutes"? No? Oh,I see..
So,you are "one of those guys" who hear a few songs and create their opinion of their whole work,based on them?
Ok,maybe you are right..Maybe that's the good way..
I like some of their songs ,some I don' I understand.. You don't like that "sound",it's perfectly alright.So,where's the point in discussion?Will you change your mind if I say I like them?If I tell you the reasons why,will you understand my feelings better,or their songs?.Right.
I think they have some really deep-feeling songs,some really sad songs,some really interesting songs,and some less..
But mocking..I wouldn't bother like that with some bands I don't care about. I don't understand them-ok.Their music can't reach me-perfectly fine. opinion
And,like you said,in the end,nevermind..
Posted on 2006-08-18 14:03:57
It makes me yawning...

And I'd love to "sensibilise" people who like coldplay about the fact that sometimes (not always!) what they maybe receipt as "sad deep feeling song" is in reality a boring evil product! More or less like, dunno, Michael Jackson's songs about changing the world, showing how to do it with a thousand billion dollars video... (anyway, Michael, being mental, really believes in those things, I think... so is more credible!)

Again, I know it's stupid to say and doesn't make sense to some of you, but.. What kind of happiness could inspire Coldplay's guy?? That night at the hollywood party when her super photographed girl loose that massive contract just because didn't falsely smile at that other guy, uhm?
Or the other day, when he was composing new sad songs and has been interrupted by a call from a friend who was gonna invite him to have an helicopter ride over New York (maybe), uhm?

I'll make it so simple:
I was in a very good band and the singer was the real genious of the group. He was truly suffering, he doesn't accept himself phisically and he lived in a shitty town in north west of England. He really composed good good songs. He was depressed and sad... (also composing angry and rocky songs)...
Well, one of the bigger problems for him was not having a girl around, and living on the shit.

Now the band it's over and he lives finally with a girl who loves him, somewhere else nicer.
The truly good sad inspired songs are gone (he told me that) and that's it, full stop.

Then... If you feel pleasure in composing "sad" tunes to make a more depressed world while you travel daily on jets and live 4 elite parties per week... that's another story!! You are probably a good sad songs SELLER...

Anyway, no chance I'm gonna listen the whole coldplay's production!
And the fact that makes me yawning and thinking of supermarkets said a lot, at least to me.

Therefore, yes... I'll comment that band just after I've been listening to some songs from each of their albums. And even if I didn't want to, they were anyway on radios, uhmpf...

Probably I feel so uncomfortable for the voice of that guy... And that doesn't help me to say something good about his band.

And, my dear Post Man Pat :P
I don't say their songs are happy... So, let's re-form what I wrote before:

I imagine people watching coldplay's concert being so sad listening those songs, thinking "fuck... that jumper wasn't anymore on offer last night in Marks And Spencer..." - "Oh... this tune reminds me so much when I was so sad and I went into H&M and I could not buy those friendly trousers..."

Is that better?

I never been so silly here like today, but I do think Coldplay is a bit of a joke...!

Posted on 2006-08-18 14:11:42
Cold is an english word.
I'm bored with english language.

Play is the remaining word.
French players deserved to loose the world cup.

Roses were more perfumed in 1965, Nato said that.


(Dedicated to Posthuman)
Posted on 2006-08-18 17:33:00
So basicly, you're denying people the right to be moved by whatever they feel moved by? How does that work exactly?
Posted on 2006-08-18 17:38:34

(I told you I was silly today)
Posted on 2006-08-18 17:39:33
You can't just come out being all "reactionary" and then just answer with sillyness. Own up!
Posted on 2006-08-18 18:22:20
Ok, I tried few minutes to answer with something intelligent...
But everything ends in the next few lines:

Coldplay is like a male Dido more electric - Dido is like a female coldplay more electronic programmed. Both boring, let's be honest with our happy side...
Supermarket's loudspeakers will always need them! God bless them two! God bless markets! God bless boredom!

And happiness too! So now I'm gonna play louder than ever C'Mon Everybody by Eddie Cochran.

Can I be the moderator for once?

Posted on 2006-08-18 21:10:23
First,you didn't "sensibilise" me,and I'm not some Coldplay fan or something (I do like some of their songs very much though) so I'm like defending them or something,just,your attitude about this is ...what is the word.. (yes.."English" word) ...oh yes,WRONG.
First,you think the real sadness is only when your friend (or someone related to you) is losing a girlfriend,or doesn't have money to buy some expencive clothes,or "my god" to fly on jet!?
Or you really think those people you see on TV or listen on the radio,are some imaginary characters who live in the box and exist only to entertain you!?
The point is,life is life,it's not easier for anyone.We all have our chances,some use them better some not that much.
And you really think that when everything in your life is "settled",you are truly happy?You never feel sad,depressed..for no apparent reason?
Lucky you..

"I imagine people watching coldplay's concert being so sad listening those songs, thinking "fuck... that jumper wasn't anymore on offer last night in Marks And Spencer..." - "Oh... this tune reminds me so much when I was so sad and I went into H&M and I could not buy those friendly trousers..."
I see you are laughing,so it must be that I don't have sense for humour..
Posted on 2006-08-19 01:25:55
well, i hate coldplay as well. they're super annoying and that singer's voice is just awful.
Posted on 2006-08-19 05:46:16
My attitude could be wrong as the attitude of who blindly buy coldplay and adore ALL their songs for a principal, cause "if they are sad tunes means must be respected" and, more important, adore the guy(s- if the rest of the band is considered...) ...
Not saying you are wrong liking few of their songs!! Of course, you are sensible and intelligent enough to realise that the rest of the songs sounds pretty much the same :)

You got me wrong! I didn't say real sadness comes to a friend that has lost a girl... my friend NEVER HAD ONE, which is very different thing anyway...

And you got me wrong also about the clothes thing!
I was just relating my coldplay "market music" feeling to some "market shopping feeling"..
Because I do think their songs are ok for shopping centers so, ironically, I think people who love them has started loving the songs after listenining to them in a market or in a shop... So linking those songs to shopping moments... (see buying a jumper - mayonnaise etc etc..)

But that's just me!! Forget about that, it's so easy... Axl told us that.

It's very interesting the bit where you said ...
"Or you really think those people you see on TV or listen on the radio,are some imaginary characters who live in the box and exist only to entertain you!?"
...Actually, I feel we have a reversed-strange point of view here!

The coldplay guys makes me thinking they are producing the same mid tempo minestrone songs over and over because they ARE imaginary sensitive people who play sensitive music for sensitive listeners... But outside the tv and radio they are as happy as an hippoes rolling in the mud!!!

Everybody in real life has good moments and bad moments, exactly!
Every honest guy can admit he had a laugh thinking about him-her self even when he-she was very low... In the same way every good musician had sad moments and happy ones. Who's got so easily and repeatedly just one "oneway" feeling, smell strange to me... Sorry, what can I do if I think that way?

I imagine if for each bad moment (filled with sadness and disappointing feelings) I could be payed for example 2.000 euros... Would I be that happy of being happy then??
Well... If I love money and I need a business, I will probably say "let's be sad, it's a good job!"

That's, hardly to understand, what I feel at 5.36 am about coldplay...

Anyway, Posthuman! It's a shame we've got the Adriatic Sea in between..
I'd love to say this things instead of write them to you.
Specially with my keyboard which doesn't write anymore the K, I, comma, and ( ... And I've got to use an isteric "screen keyboard" to type those letters!!!

And by the way, final final thing to say... Being badly beaten by 5 shitty people on the road at night and for no reasons, I really could feel so inspired to make a sad sad song. But, instead, I cover the bad souvenir listening to some "happy tunes"...

And can I be so naive/honest/jealous?

Coldplay guy could sing about all the sadness of this world... But when he goes home he's got a lovely girl who cuddle him warmly, watching him so closely, cause he's got a cute face and, you know, apart from bringing home millions, he's sad, eh...

I've got nobody since ages. I can probably already have a "greatest hits of sad feelings" made by all the silence I felt during these years.

Which sounds better than that awful voooooooooiiiiiiiiceeeeeeeeeee!!!!

(Here we go now, everybody trying to illude me that "a girl's hug is not that important...)
Posted on 2006-08-19 06:06:46
One of the main things that bugs me about Coldplay is this : they sample constantly, but they never give any credits for their samples. Whether it's Kate Bush or Kylie Minogue or Marilyn Manson [In My Place = slower, much more boring Valentine's Day - same drum beat and synth lines and everything], they've never, ever listed "Contains a sample from..." in their credits. They've admitted they steal things, so why don't they have their record companies pay for it? If I got caught stealing Coldplay albums from HMV, should I be expected to pay? Coldplay and their record company don't ... so I don't know why I should have to.

And I have to say : if anyone has ever found something as emotionally crippled as Coldplay lyrics "helpful" while in "dark times" - you have to wonder how "dark" those times really were. Smashing Pumpkin's Soot And Stars or Cat Power's Names - now those are songs you can rock back and forth to while inhabiting a very dark room. Trouble was their only decent song - but those lyrics are horse pooh. "Oooh, look at me! I'm caught in a spider-web and it's meeeh in da midd-ulll!" It's not exactly "Her father would come to her in the night...... She was twelve years old", is it?
Posted on 2006-08-19 10:42:29
Well, irrespective of what one thinks of either Coldplay or Dido or whoever, you can't deny people's right to feel moved by whatever the feel moved by. In dark times or in happiness or whatever. Questioning their motives or their feelings is saying that you're better than them? How does that work?
Posted on 2006-08-19 12:46:31
The reason why I decided to talk about coldplay (and not about coldplay fans!) is because I've heard them in a car...

If I said things involving people out from the band, I did it just to try to explain how I feel pissed off by bands like coldplay...

But I don't wanna mention my lovely band and cry over it anymore...

Really, I'm a peace and love guy (!) and I absolutely respect the "everybody has to do-feel-live what they want" kind of rule.
But, sometimes, can I also express what I feel about big groups of people who seem to do something all together at the same time, moved for example by the hype of a band? I just feel some evilness in coldplay music "projects", that's all.
And saying it doesn't harm anybody. I wanted just to write down a feeling, and being on a forum like this one (which for me means web-friendship first) tasting the people and trying to know who's more "like me" and who's not. And please note! Doesn't mean "better or worse" than me.

Yes, I have to admit I'm always complaining about some bands and hyped people (Pete Hyperty!).. But that's not for the hate of the people who love those bands-singers...

It's because I have this bittersweet cute feeling trying to think and support the other thousand better bands-singers all around the world who doesn't have the same hype and the same success, cause they are probably just a bit more honest with themselves... and less permissive (?) with record evil companies.

And anyway... I know, as I told you before, everybody can feel-do what they want. But going into a small shop in a small town in south of Italy (for example) and see JUST posters of unknown americans fat boys and singers who poses with hands near their faces cause they "have troubles you know"... IT'S outrageous.
Who the hell are they? Why they invade shops everywhere?? What great songs they made to be everywhere?

It's not nice freedom, sounds and feels more like music dictatorship.
Anyway, respect and giggles for the people who ADORE coldplay :P
Posted on 2006-08-19 14:57:47
Emilianino :)
I am really sorry to hear that about your friend.It's not easy at all feeling how he probably does,and I'm sorry that I mentioned him.
But,still,I can't make myself smile on those "market music" "shopping feeling" jokes.I can't stop but think how all that contains some "you are all stupid" line in between,offensive to some people who DO like some bands as Coldplay.I know that this was your joke,but still,you say "it's ok to like some band (even though I don't like it)" ,but you keep making fun of those people.

" The coldplay guys makes me thinking they are producing the same mid tempo minestrone songs over and over because they ARE imaginary sensitive people who play sensitive music for sensitive listeners... But outside the tv and radio they are as happy as an hippoes rolling in the mud!!! "
You know,we can't really talk about this,'cause none of us really know.Like I said (even if it may look like that,to us,"poor little people,here on Earth"),money,big house,jet,or even a "perfect" marriage,sometimes won't do good.'Cause happiness does not depend on material things.Here I mean real,lasting happiness.
You know,I think some of "them" are really miserable (with all that money in their pockets ,sorry,banks),imagine,having all you can imagine (material things) and beside that family,child..and you still feel that something's missing.. That is one of the biggest misfortunes I can imagine..
So,maybe they do have more reasons to make sad songs,more than you and I even,'cause it's an inner discontent,that can be dangerous.
Or,maybe that "sadness" or call it "imaginary sadness" is really their temperament.Some really can't make "happy" songs.
And then,another possibility is that their "story" or "feeling" can't get to you.. Sensibilities are different.

"I imagine if for each bad moment (filled with sadness and disappointing feelings) I could be payed for example 2.000 euros... Would I be that happy of being happy then??
Well... If I love money and I need a business, I will probably say "let's be sad, it's a good job!""
Ok,you are right.I can not but agree,some do that for money.Of course! This world is not "made" of good and honest people only.But ,like I said,you can't judge someone's life that easily..

" But, instead, I cover the bad souvenir listening to some "happy tunes"...

And can I be so naive/honest/jealous? "
Good point.You don't think that "happy" songs can be made for entertaining too ?Apart from those who like to drown in sorrow,there are ones who'd rather close their eyes (and ears sometimes,so they don't know what they're hearing),and repeat "this world is sooooo lovely,I will be good girl/boy and then I may deseve something in THIS life".
You know,basically,all comes to that who will you choose to trust,and will you at all..
This is not anymore about Coldplay..

"I've got nobody since ages. I can probably already have a "greatest hits of sad feelings" made by all the silence I felt during these years. "
:( you see,it's always something personal..
"I feel/know more than he does,then why don't I have all what he has..?!" And,there will be some say "this is selfishness/jealousy/egotism..." but this is perfectly normal for me,and healthy I may add.

I hope you see that I have nothing against you or for Coldplay (ok,now I am annoyed saying their name over and over again...),I see this through some general points,and sometimes I am too passionate for some things.. and then I may seem angry/mad/offended when I'm only trying to say what I think.. :)
Posted on 2006-08-19 15:55:58
Emilianino: I can understand your irritation... but really, you're taking the exact same stance as the people you're irritated by. Hahaha. Just in the opposite direction.

And besides, who says that artists whould only write about themselves? I think VERY few artists actually write about what's going on in their own lives. Artists make up stuff! Take Nina for example. Some of her lyrics are DEEPLY desperate and sad and downtrodden sometimes. But she has stated again and again over the years that she is a very happy and funny person! So why aren't you complaining about The Cardigans? What's the difference? Chris Martin and Nina are being equally creative... in their own ways.

Is it just that there's a lot more people listening to Coldplay than The Cardigans. And you know, if there's a lot of poeple listening to it and it's on the radio then it must mean that it's bad... because people are dumb right?

Also I just wanted to point out that it's not important whether <i>I</i> like Coldplay or not. I just react agains all this negativity. Using you own argument... why be so annoyed when there's a lot to be happy about?
Posted on 2006-08-21 14:49:02
Cold Play are'nt too bad I guess, but this music is a little predictable for me, I just think of other bands like Travis, Oasis, Blur a bit of old Radiohead before they decided to be different, Richard Ashcroft. You know what I'm getting at?

I wont say these bands are bad, but just not my thing.
Posted on 2006-08-21 15:06:34
Hum..Travis..Richard Ashcroft..and a bit of Oasis..I like them.. "predictable"..yes,I know what you mean.
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