
there will be a new album??
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Posted on 2006-10-02 16:41:34
Strike while the iron's hot.
Some bands are prolific and release a non-stop stream of material. Others wait years between releases.
Look what the Beatles did from 1962-69! Yikes!
Babies ain't no reason to sit on your ass and complain. Just tour with the family, around the family, be a family together.
The band's proven they can tour where they want to when they want to, pretty much in demand around the world.
The world wants more so give it to them. (Thank-you. -The World!)

I think that they definitely should record when/if they are inspired because as you say, strike while the iron's hot! If they feel really inspired, do a double album! (somehow that seems unlikely).

regarding touring, if the lack of it is because of family reasons, I really admire that. They need to do what is right for them, and their family members, not jus for the band, and the fans. I think it's a nice thought about taking kids on tour, but in reality it probably doesn't work very well. Perhaps some broken up, mini tours in north america? not sure how feasible that would be...

bottom line: I'd rather have the band stay together, write, record, still perform, and delay/reschedule some touring, than have them completely break up for family reasons. That has happened to bands before!
Posted on 2006-10-02 20:49:19
magnus has mentioned quite a few times how much it costs just for the band to go on tour, so i think it's highly unlikely they all bring their families with them, as well!
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