
French science
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Posted on 2006-11-24 11:41:48
Some extracts of letters.
Excuse-me for the bad translations from French.
Mersenne is an important french mathematician of the 17th century, and these texts are mixed with very serious letters.

From Mersenne to Haak

Did you test the divine herb called Té (pronounce as tea). With this herb, anyone can stay awake during 2,3,4 nights and more, as long as he/she may wish, and there is no discomfort at all.

A Scottish soldier in the Netherlands licks with his tongue a piece of iron, completely red 20 or 30 times, until the iron gets cold. He does not burn himself, and he feels some pleasure and sweetness.

I pray God that he gives to all of us his love, and peace which is above all meaning.

From Mersenne to Haack (the same one...)

I just learned how to establish the direction of the wind with a new method. No need to watch through the window, no need to go out. With using the circle of the Sun, which is observed from a closed and dark room through a telescope.
Posted on 2006-11-24 15:45:17
Valeria Korneeva
It`s very serious thread. I think a lot of us will not understand your main idea...But "всё может быть!"
Posted on 2006-11-24 17:37:05
Hum. Serious ?
These are four experiences.
Which one shall I try with you ?

- No sleep during 4 days ?
The easiest one. Too easy for you.
- Lick very hot metal ?
If you want. No one wants to try this one.
- God of peace ?
This was written during the longest war between Catholics and Protestants (in Germany). I know, they had no TV, and didn't know about this fact.
Don't try this one. We had many tries since 1640.
- Guess the wind with a telescope ?
Yes, I can try this one with you... If you accept to present your results on TV each evening for one month.
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